Tile Inc. - Data Engineering Internship

Internship practicing Data Engineering. Developed my own single-pass algorithm for sorting data and tracking its quality based on user-defined metrics.

Tile Inc. - Data Science Internship

Internship practicing data mining. Using different data clustering algorithms on location data, I was able to characterize users’ behaviors in order to predict when they have lost an item.

AAA - IT Security Engineering Internship

Internship implementing file integrity monitoring scripts in tripwire for AAA. Learned encryption, hashing, computer networks, and other important aspects of cybersecurity.

Arizona State University - UASP Subject Area Tutor

Tutored students in a variety of Math and Computer Science classes.

Arizona State University - Theoretical Mathematics Graduate Student

Currently pursuing a PhD in theoretical mathematics. I am considering specializing in C* algebras.

Benjamin Jones
All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. (In the license of a project for example)